Guest OS vs Host OS When it comes to virtualization, several strategies are there that are popular. Your selection among these depends on several factors including imports, its development, software interface, virtual machines alters and other characteristics as well. Hosted …
ETL vs ELT in Data Warehousing ETL: When the data is extracted from disparate sources and then it is transformed, the process is termed as ETL (extract, transform, and load). For data transformation, the actions performed include applying calculations and …
Proactive vs Reactive Routing Protocols Routing protocols are the routes that help to learn dynamic routes. These protocols are organized on routers in regards with exchanging the information related with routing. Using the routing protocols in your network has many …
TOGAF and ITIL What is TOGAF? The methodology of enterprise architecture by which development of enterprise software receives high level framework is termed as TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework). A systematic approach is used in TOGAF by which it …
VM VS CONTAINER Virtual Machines VM or Virtual machine enables you to create and operate a discrete virtual environment- an operating system, acting like an individual computer. Through VMs, softwares that cannot work on your main OS, can easily work …
Physical Switch vs Virtual Switch A good and reliable network can help you in running a business operation seamlessly. That is the reason why a professionally reliable network always come with certain vital features that ensure unflinching results as per …
OpenFlow vs Netconf There are several data programming and configuration protocols that make the flow of information seamless across the networks. Among these protocols, OpenFlow and Netconf are considered to be popular and widely used ones when it comes to …
Network Administrator Vs System Administrator Network Administrator and System Administrator are the two terms that overlap each other but in reality, they are very different from each other. In this blog, we will discuss what the roles of network administrators …
CMD vs BAT The importance of the batch file can be easily understood by the power users and system administrators. But, generally most of the regular computer users are unaware of these files. This indicates that people are not utilizing …
Difference between LDAP and AD The framework of IT infrastructure of most of the organizations has Active Directory as a significant part. This significance is the reason why attackers have the Active Directory at the top of their target. In …
Introduction to Tree and Forest An Activity Directory is a product of Microsoft that runs on Server of Windows. It allows managing, accessing, and permissions for the network resources. The data is stored as an object in this directory and …
BSS vs OSS Two terms which in limelight especially in Telecom Operation world are BSS and OSS. BSS stands for Business Support Systems while OSS refers to Operations Support Systems. By their names, both the terms may seem complementary, however …
High Level Language vs Low Level Language Computer programming languages are broadly categorized into 2 types namely – High Level Language and Low Level Language. Abbreviation for High Level Language is HLL and Low Level Language is LLL. The former …
Linux vs Windows Windows has been quite a popular choice for home and office users. It’s been the widely used Operating system used in desktops, laptops and personal computers. Linux is an open-source operating system which is based on UNIX …
The DVD technology was emerged in 1997. It revolutionized the movie industry and brought digital sound and video into homes all over the world. The Blu-ray Discs (BD) were introduced in 2006. With their high storage capacity, these discs can hold and …
In this post, we shall discuss about comparison of URL filtering and Content filtering. Both the terms are interrelated, however differ in flavor of how they protect and assets they protect. SO, lets understand them in more detail – URL …
RAM (Random Access Memory) is a key memory component of computers, PCs, PDAs, smartphones and laptops. RAM is the main memory in a computer or PC and is much faster to read and write from than other kinds of storage. …
The differences between SEC-K9 Licence and HSEC-K9 Licence are as follows – PARAMETER SEC-K9 LICENSE HSEC-K9 LICENSE Philosophy The SEC-K9 license enables standard encryption (VPN payload and secure voice) on the ISR G2 platforms. The SEC-K9 license is designed to …
The differences between ISL and Dot1Q are as follows – PARAMETER ISL DOT1Q Abbreviation for ISL (Inter Switch Link) – Standard Cisco proprietary protocol IEEE Standard Vlans Supported Supports up to 1000 Vlans Supports 4096 Vlans Encapsulation Original frame is …
The differences between RSPAN and ERSPAN Licence are as follows – SOURCE:
The differences between VLAN and Subnet Licence are as follows – PARAMETER VLAN SUBNET Philosophy VLAN is a logical local area network that contains broadcasts within itself and only hosts that belong to that VLAN will see those broadcasts. Subnet …
The differences between GLC-T and GLC-TE are as follows – SOURCE:
The differences between Router and Firewall are as follows – SOURCE: Also refer Firewall vs Proxy
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and Proxy servers are both useful tools for improving your online privacy and security, but they serve different purposes. A VPN works by transferring your internet connection to a private server, thus making it much harder …
The differences between Cisco VLAN Configuration and HP VLAN Configuration are as follows – CISCO HP Step 1: Create a Layer 2 VLAN Switch (Config)# Vlan 100 HP Switch (config)# :Vlan 100 Step 2: Create a routable Layer 3 VLAN …
The differences between Cisco VLAN Configuration and Dell VLAN Configuration are as follows – CISCO DELL Step 1: Create a Layer 2 VLAN Switch (Config)# Vlan 100 Dell_Switch (conf)# vlan database Dell_Switch(conf-vlan)# vlan 100 Step 2: Create a routable Layer …
The differences between Process Switching and Fast Switching are as follows – SOURCE:
The differences between GLC-T and SFP-GE-T are as follows – SOURCE:
The differences between SFP and XFP are as follows – SOURCE:
The differences between VRRP v2 and VRRP v3 are as follows – SOURCE:
The differences between TACACS and TACACS+ Licence are as follows – PARAMETER TACACS TACACS+ Abbreviation for Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus Standard Open Standard Cisco proprietary Passwords TACACS does not support prompting …
The differences between Default VLAN and Native VLAN are as follows – PARAMETER DEFAULT VLAN NATIVE VLAN Modifying the VLAN The Default VLAN is always 1, this cannot be changed. The Native VLAN can change. It can be changed to …
Comparison Table: TCP FIN vs TCP RST The differences between TCP FIN Packet and TCP RST Packet are as follows – PARAMETER FIN PACKET RST PACKET Connection Termination Type Graceful connection termination Immediate connection termination Confirmation In case of FIN …
The differences between SM SFP and MM SFP are as follows – PARAMETER SM SFP MM SFP Abbreviation for Single Mode SFP Multimode SFP Distance Supported Can Support Greater distance than MM Fiber. SM Fiber can support distance value as …
The differences between XFP and SFP+ are as follows – SOURCE:
The differences between Proxy and NAT are as follows – SOURCE:
The differences between WCCP v1 and WCCP v2 are as follows – SOURCE:
The differences between PAGP and LACP are as follows – PARAMETERS PAGP LACP Abbreviation for Port Aggregation Protocol Link Aggregation Control Protocol Standard Cisco Proprietary Open Standard (IEEE 802.3ad) Configuration Modes ·Auto ·Desirable ·Active ·Passive Multicast Address 01-00-0C-CC-CC-CC 01-80-c2-00-00-02 Supported …
The differences between Traffic Policing and Traffic Shaping are as follows – SOURCE:
The differences between Trunk Mode and Access Mode are as follows – SOURCE:
The differences between Traditional Firewall Next Generation Firewall are as follows – SOURCE: Also refer Router IOS Firewall vs Firewall
The differences between NGFW and UTM are as follows – SOURCE:
The differences between Firewall, IPS and IDS are as follows – SOURCE: Also refer Network Based Firewall vs Host Based Firewall
The differences between Network Based Firewall and Host Based Firewall are as follows – SOURCE: Also refer Firewall vs IPS vs IDS
Introduction : SNAT vs DNAT In our previous post, we discussed about the NAT in detail. NAT is abbreviated for Network Address Translation, so the key word here is translation, as it is the process that is responsible for translation …