Ericsson: Technical Hierarchy
It is important to know about the Hierarchy of the organization. Because the hierarchy level gives you the idea about your future chances and the person who you need to report. It reduces the unwanted hesitation and nervousness within you.
So, are you hired in ERICSSON? Willing to know about the technical hierarchy level in the company? You are in the right place. In this article, you will get a clear understanding of it.
Before we get started, here is a short introduction about the ERICSSON and what they do.
ERICSSON is a little different from the other IT companies. It is a Swedish Multinational company that provides networking, telecommunications, and other information technology services all around the world. It first started as a telecommunication company that produces many products and services that can help and fix the communications in mobile phones, and several generations of Radios.
After the IT revolution and the involvement of big data forced them to enter this IT market. It is an Information and Communication Technology Company (ICT) with more than 101,322 employees(2021). Now ERICSSON has been leading the world with the introduction of 5G.
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Technical Hierarchy in ERICSSON
As a traditional company with a long history, the hierarchy of the ERICSSON is a little complex. Unlike other IT companies they don’t follow any particular band systems to the positions or designations. It is said ERICSSON follows a staging system but that is also not clear to outsiders.
As ERICSSON deals both with communication and Information technology it is hard to draw the exact chain of command in the ERICSSON. Here is how most of the past employees of ERICSSON reported it.
Stage 4 – GET/AET
GET and AET refers to Graduate Engineer Trainee and Assistant Engineer Trainee. It is the basic technical position in ERICSSON. When you finish your graduation and join the company you will be positioned in this stage.
Here you will be completely trained in the workings of the organizations. You will be promoted to the next stage after 6 or 18 months based on your performance.
Stage 5 – Assistant Engineer
After more than one year of training, you will be appointed as the Assistant engineer where you will work under the Engineers. You will help the engineer in the development, consultation, and maintenance of IT projects.
This is the stage where you can explore different challenges and learn from them. Once you get enough experience to handle the assignment on your own you will be promoted. Mostly it will be after 2 or 3 years.
Stage 6 – Engineer
After getting promoted to engineer you will have many responsibilities. You need to finish the assignments allotted to you, and also suggest or convey your innovative ideas to the superiors.
You are no more subordinate, you will be given mini-tasks or assignments on the whole project. Sometimes you will be the one who is fully in charge of the project if it’s a small one.
Stage 7 – Senior Engineer or Team Lead
There is no difference in the role or responsibilities between the previous position and this. The only thing is you will be more experienced and assigned as the leader of a set of Engineers.
You are responsible to maintain good cooperation between the team members. As a senior engineer or specialist, you should be able to guide the team members in the case of challenges.
Stage 8 – Project Manager or Senior Specialists
A project manager is a person who communicates with the client and plans the projects according to their needs. He/she will have technical qualities however mostly focused on the managerial aspect.
They act as a bridge between the business or administration and the technical team. They ensure whether the rules and regulations of the company are followed in the products.
After stage 8 the hierarchy in the ERICSSON mostly covers the managerial and business aspects than the technical side. The hierarchy after Stage 8 goes like this.
- Senior manager
- Associate/Assistant Director
- Director
- Vice President
- CEO or President.
- Chairman
The stage system explained in the article is just an assumption; there is no clear information about the stages and hierarchy level in the ERICSSON. If you have any further doubts please share them in the comment section.
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