What is Artificial Intelligence(AI)?
You would have come across the word Artificial Intelligence (AI) in many movies. Of Course, movies exaggerate some things but Artificial Intelligence is not a lie.
Are you interested to know more about Artificial Intelligence? And the recent developments and achievements in it? Then you are in the right place.
Here in this article, you will get to know about Artificial Intelligence, types, uses, future, and Pros and cons. Okay without further ado let’s start the article.
What is Artificial Intelligence?
There are various definitions and explanations for the term Artificial Intelligence (AI). John McCarthy, the founder of Artificial Intelligent Discipline says-
“It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to biologically observable methods”.
In simple words, it is the integration of multiple technologies to build a machine, which performs the task that needs human intelligence or a human-like approach. That’s the system that acts like humans – Rational thinking and acting.
The famous examples of Artificial Intelligence are – Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, etc…
How does it work?
Artificial Intelligence works based on various concepts like machine learning, deep learning, Natural Language Processing, etc… But in simple words the AI works based on the Data. It combines large data with iterative processing and intelligent algorithms, which helps it to find a pattern or features.
Machine learning helps AI to imitate human intelligence. For example, it learns large data showing decisions taken by humans in a particular situation, and when the situation arises it does the same.
Types of Artificial Intelligence
The AI technology has been classified into two types based on their focus here, are they –
i) Weak or Narrow AI
Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) is trained to perform tasks that assist humans. For example the AI Assistants in the mobile phone and autonomous vehicles etc… This AI has often focused on performing the same task again and again.
Though they seem intelligent they operate under the limited space and have various limitations than ordinary human intelligence. They are formed using Machine learning and Deep learning techniques (using large data resources – Big Data)
ii) Strong or General AI
These are the AI we see in the movies and fiction. They share the same intelligence as human beings, it can apply that intelligence to solve any problem. However, the quest for Strong AI is still at the starting point.
Applications or Uses of the AI:
Artificial Intelligence has been put into use in different fields, here are some of them –
- Healthcare – AI is playing a very important role in the healthcare sector. One of the best-Known healthcare is IBM Watson. It understands the natural language and responds or diagnoses faster than humans.
- Education – AI has been used for grading and checking the student’s answer sheets. And the recent development of AI tutors plays additional support to the students.
- Manufacturing – Introduction of AI in the Industries and factories reduce the waste of cost in repetitive works. Automation, multi-tasking is made available because of AI.
- Finance and Banking – AI virtual assistants and chatbots in the banks help their customers to be aware of the services. And the AI is also used for decision-making for loans, credit limits, and KYC purposes.
- Transportation – AI technologies are used in Flights and traffic lights. Other than these NAI is used to manage the records of flight booking, shipments, and other transportation.
Other than these the AI technology is used in almost every technical advancements made in recent years.
Pros of Artificial Intelligence
- Best choice for detailed-oriented jobs
- Consistent delivery
- There is a good scope for virtual available
- Fast in processing data-heavy tasks
Cons of Artificial Intelligence
- Expensive
- Need of deep technical expertise
- Only knows what is in the data
- May create unemployment in certain sectors
Though the future is unpredictable, there is a good future for AI-based technology. If you have any more questions regarding AI and its nature please leave them in the comment section below.
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