Network Security vs Cloud Security: Know the difference
Though it’s been a while since cloud technology was introduced into our world still there is much confusion surrounding Network Security and Cloud Security. If you are one of those who can’t find the difference between these two terms: Network Security and Cloud Security. Then you’re in the right place.
Today in this article you will get to know about the difference between these two domains and the career opportunities and skills required and more. Okay without further ado let’s get started.
What is Network Security?
Network security is the branch of cyber security that focuses on the protection of data, applications, or systems that are connected at the network level. To understand more about Network security you should first know what a Network is.
So the simple definition for the network is, that network refers to the two or more computers that are systems that are linked to share resources and communications. Today’s network architecture is developed into more complex ones and is open to various vulnerabilities.
These vulnerabilities are spread through various devices. It can be unauthorized access to data, hardware or software problems, and so on. So a network security analyst is responsible for protecting the data, and resources of the computers or other electronic devices connected in a network.
Network Security Control Methods
Network security can be achieved by the following three types of controls –
i) Physical Network Control
Here the security personnel focuses on preventing unauthorized access to the network through physical components like Routers, cables, etc… Some of the security measures taken are biometric authentication to data or network rooms, locks, etc…
ii) Technical Network Control
Here both data and system are protected from the malicious activities of both outsiders and employees. The most well-known security measures like firewalls, and antivirus come under this control. They protect the network from any technical threats.
iii) Administrative Control
This control deals with the control of policies and other processes like user behavior, administrative powers, etc….This is achieved by providing different levels of power to each system in the network, in short, it gives special power to the admin to access and rewrite the data of the company.
What is Cloud Security?
Cloud security refers to the protection of interests of both cloud provider and client in a cloud-based infrastructure. Cloud security is a broader concept than network security which covers the whole corporate structure, as they are mostly offered as infrastructure as service. Before seeing more about cloud security let’s what is a Cloud?
Cloud computing is an advanced form of networking where all the computers are connected to a particular cloud or server through the internet instead of physical cables. These cloud services are available in three forms: infrastructure as a Service, Software as a service, and platform as a service.
And different types of cloud security are adopted in each of the above forms. Though cloud services providers take active steps to minimize the risk, in modern days the threats are increasing as most businesses are migrating to cloud-based services.
Cloud Security Solutions
Here are some well-known cloud security solutions –
i) Identity and Access Management (IAM)
It is like administrative control in network security, IAM allows the enterprise to policy-driven enforcements and protocols to prevent authorized access. Separate digital identities are created for each user to achieve this
ii) Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Offers a set of tools and services to ensure the security of the cloud, which includes data encryption, remediation alerts, backup strategy, etc…
iii) Security Information and event management (SIEM )
It focuses on threat monitoring and detection in cloud-based environments, uses AI-driven technologies to correlate with the past data, and ensures against any potential threats.
Difference Between Network Security and Cloud Security
Now we get to know about the difference between Network Security and Cloud Security. Let’s summarize the things we have seen till now, to form a difference table.
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Cyber Security vs Network Security: Know the difference
Tag:cloud, comparison, Security