The differences between Broadband and Leased line are as follows – SOURCE:
In order to make similarity between RIP v1 and v2 clear below table shares their commonality in terms of various routing related parameters – Now that commonality between RIP v1 and v2 is clear , moving further , we will understand how both versions of RIP differ in reference to …
The differences between Port Channel and Etherchannel are as follows – PARAMETERS PORT CHANNEL ETHERCHANNEL Terminology The “Port-channel” is the name of this virtual interface in IOS Etherchannel is the name of the technology used to group multiple physical links …
The differences between Nexus 7K and Nexus 9K are as follows – SOURCE:
The differences between Sup 1 and Sup 2 (Supervisor 1 and 2 respectively) in Nexus 7K are as follows – SOURCE:
The differences between FAB1 and FAB2 (Fabric modules 1 and 2 respectively) in Nexus 7K are as follows – SOURCE:
The differences between Layer 2 VPN and Layer 3 VPN are as follows – SOURCE:
The differences between M1 Series, M2 Series and M3 Series are as follows – SOURCE:
The differences between Wired and Wireless are as follows – PARAMETER WIRED WIRELESS Communication Medium Copper, Fiber etc. Air Standard IEEE 802.3 802.11 family Mobility and Roaming Limited Higher Security High Lower than Wired. Also easy to hack Speed / …
The differences between 802.11ac and 802.11n are as follows – SOURCE:
The differences between WLC 5508 and WLC 5520 are as follows – SOURCE:
Difference between CAPWAP and LWAPP PARAMETER CAPWAP LWAPP Abbreviation for Control and Provisioning of Access Points Lightweight Access Point Protocol Introduction year 2009 2005 (bought by Cisco) Controller Software Release Release 5.2 or later Releases prior to 5.2 DTLS Security …
Difference between Cisco 2960-X and Cisco 2960-S SOURCE:
Difference between Cisco VSS and Juniper VC SOURCE:
Below table enumerates some of similarities between CAT5 and CAT5e – Now that we understand similarities between both cabling standards, let’s understand how CAT5 is different from CAT5e in terms of various parameters – SOURCE:
Before understanding LAN vs WAN, let’s know the two terms. LAN is abbreviation for Local Area Network. LAN is a network covering a small geographic area and connecting various end devices like computers and printers. LAN may be limited to a home, office, …
Difference between Bridge mode vs Router Mode in Silverpeak: SOURCE:
Difference between Router IOS Firewall and Firewall SOURCE: Also refer WAF vs Network Firewall
Difference between WAF and Network Firewall PARAMETER WAF NETWORK FIREWALL Philosophy A Web Application Firewall (WAF) is a network security firewall solution that protects web applications from HTTP/S and web application-based security vulnerabilities. Network Firewall is a device which controls …
Difference between Stateless Firewall and Stateful Firewall PARAMETERS STATELESS STATEFUL Philosophy Treats each packet in isolation and does not relates to connection state Stateful firewalls maintain context about active sessions and use “state information” to speed packet processing Filtering decision …
Difference between SDN and SD-WAN Below table describes the difference between SDN and SD-WAN. Comparison table: SDN vs SD-WAN PARAMETER SDN SD-WAN Abbreviation for Software-Defined Networking Software-Defined Wide Area Network Target Area Focused on Customer LAN or Data Center environment …
Difference between Catalyst 9400 and Catalyst 9500 SOURCE:
Difference between Catalyst 9300 and Catalyst 9400 SOURCE:
Comparison Table: M2M and IOT Below table describes the difference between M2M and IoT: PARAMETERS M2M IOT Abbreviation for Machine to Machine Internet of Things Philosophy M2M is Concept where two or more machines can communicate with each other and …
Difference between Site-to-Site VPN and Remote Access VPN PARAMETER SITE TO SITE VPN REMOTE ACCESS VPN Philosophy Uses a security method called IPsec to build an encrypted tunnel from one Customer network (generally HQ or DC) to the customer’s remote …
Difference between Private IP and Public IP SOURCE:
Difference between SUP 2 and SUP 2E SOURCE:
Difference between Central CEF and Distributed CEF SOURCE:
Difference between SDN and NFV: Below table summarizes the difference between the two: Category SDN NFV Strategy Separation of control and Data , centralization of control and programmability of network Replacement of dedicated appliances and devices with generic servers. Protocol …
Difference between Classful Routing and Classless Routing SOURCE:
Difference between Switching and Routing SOURCE:
Difference between CEF Switching and FAST Switching SOURCE:
Difference between Routing Protocol and Routed Protocol: ROUTING PROTOCOL ROUTED PROTOCOL Used between Layer 3 devices to learn and advertise Routes and maintain Routing tables Used Between Routers to direct user traffic. It is also called network protocols Routing Protocol …
Below table describes the difference between SVI and VLAN PARAMETER SVI VLAN Abbreviation for Switched Virtual Interface Virtual Local Area Network Platform support Only configurable on Layer 3 devices. Can be configured on Layer 3 and Layer 2 devices Routing …