Difference between GTM and LTM
Full Form | Global Traffic Balancer | Local Traffic Manager |
Industry Standard name | Global Load Balancer | Server Load balancer |
Name resolution | GTM performs name to IP resolution | Does not perform name to IP resolution |
Scope | GTM Load balances requests between Data Centers | LTM is limited to single Data Center and Load balancer traffic between Servers within same Data Center. |
Traffic Type | DNS traffic is sent via the requestor/client | Actual Data communication traffic and port number is sent by the client/requestor. |
Duration of association | Once the GTM has provided name to IP resolution to client , GTM work is complete | LTM remains till the whole communication (starts when requests hits client IP with port number) between client and destination server is complete. |
Proxy functionality | No | Yes |
Technologies used | WIP , DNS ,resolver | SNAT, Proxy architecture, VIP, caching, persistence, compression. |
Deployment | Generally over Cloud or DMZ/ Perimeter Zone in Data Center | Generally in DMZ Zone, Production Zone or Database Zone of Data Centers. |
High availability options | Backup box may be placed at distance geo location for redundancy | Backup box needs to be placed in same Data Center and same Vlan. |